Tag Archives: Blessings

Back on Canadian soil


My journey down the Indian road has come to a close but I hope the lessons learned will last my lifetime. I have learned much about humility and fervent belief and the power of prayer.

In the process, I have confirmed that Saint Francis of Assisi was right in saying that it is in giving that we receive. For as much as we were told of the blessing we were to those attending the conferences in the past two weeks and to those who received the gifts we brought, I believe that I was even more richly blessed by the experiences we had and people we met.

I expect I’ll be processing this for weeks, if not months to come. And I know I’ll want to talk about it for quite awhile so please do ask me to tell you more about it if you see me.

I keep promising photos but will have to do some sorting first. Please be patient as I’ve got a family vacation to attend to first!